Far Far Away, in another plane
of time there is beyond Rainbow Bridge a lovely meadow. A place filled with endless sunshine, a sparkling Rainbow is always
over head, as a reminder of God's promises kept. Warm breezes blow, flowers of all colors bloom, lush green grass grows, brooks
with cool clean water flows, and tiss a place of unconditional love, always! There is no sorrow, nor pain, nor illness, nor
weakness, no limitations, and death is no more. In this magical land there are animals of every sort, each now healthy
as in youth, at their prime, who's loyal hearts belonged to humans on earth below. Care-takers too, of our loved ones passed,
now enjoying the blessings and great love of this wondrous place so far away, yet so close in each of our hearts yet remaining
on earth. To cross to this grand place is a bridge of rainbows, with flowers growing entwined. One enters the bridge on
the darkest side, crossing into the light, after finishing their greatest deeds on earth. From large to small, in all shapes,
and forms, all are welcome who have given their heart freely on the earth plane below. It is normally filled with joy, and
laughter, when one morn a wee red dog approached the great Rainbow Bridge. Most are happy to cross the Rainbow Bridge, for
their pain, or limitations, had been so great on earth, and as they approach the bridge all limitations are forever removed.
They race on across the bridge to join loved ones waiting, and they too begin their Wait for loved ones yet below.
not this wee red dog, just starting to cross over into the warm expanse of the Rainbow Bridge, he had a problem. He could
hear cries of loved ones yet below, as their heart broke as he left. Looking back over his shoulder, he gives a tiny bark,
and back he races into the darkness despite any pain it brought with it. Back into the trembling hands of a loving breeder,
as her great tears of sadness fall,, she cries, "not one of our babes must be lost, please Lord not even this tiniest of babes"!
Into the trembling warm soft hands he awoke again with a gasp, which now brings his dear breeder now to tears of blessing.
He knows his time here is short, but he can accomplish much in his mission. Though the smallest of his litter-mates,
his heart was as big as the rest. He would do great things, and capture many hearts in his short time on earth, which had
took others years to full-fill, so thus, the tiny lad thrived!
He played harder, lived harder, gave his breeder far many
more gray hairs of worry, as he dared all laws of gravity, and reason in all he did. He never made his breed standard. He
stayed much to small to reach their scale, to this he paid no mind, for twas the standard of life that was his goal, and care.
No heart was left broken, no face left without a smile, his tail never stopped, and his tongue always kiss ready, he was indeed
a pup on great mission, and he knew his mission well! He taught us all, size, and perfection of body was of no matter,
for if you had the heart of angels, miracles, could be made or found. One could just watch him in amazement, and disbelief
to know this fact to be true. He went on to doggie class, standing brightly out among the biggest, and the best. There was
nothing he soon proved they could do, he also could do just as well, even winning top dog of the class. He filled each dog's
heart with pride, awe, and love, each human one as well. He always left the impression, no matter the size of the obstacle,
there's always a way around any wall. Thus we watched him in wonder as he never quit grew, but as each day passed,
his heart grew on to fully fill any room.
He reached an age in his growth we felt his health would surly always hold,
and never ever falter. We'd become secure he'd always be with, and a part of us, we just could never see a day or moment
without him..
one night in our sleep, only he heard the quiet call as he awoke me,, and only he again seemed prepared.
time to return to Rainbow Bridge, your time on earth is truly done". Remembering all of his beloved family, and friends, it
was hard for the wee red dog to leave without at least a few words. " I don't want to leave you", he told his adoring breeder,
in whose warm trembling hands he once more lay. " I'm not ready for you to leave my love ", was her choked softest whisper
back, " I'm simply not quit sure how I will go on without you Giz". "Yet, truly tis my time to go, he continued, " I'll never
forget this life I was blessed with, and on you I will forever wait, as I loyally play close by the Rainbow Bridge's
gate. You know the place, tis just past the moon, and over the stars, many loved ones wait for you there." " I know sweet
Giz, I have to understand your destined path. I'm told there is nothing we here on earth can do, you know how I
wish they could. There is nothing on this earth I would ever deny you, the best is all we want in order to keep
you well and safe. But now it's best they say to let you go,, which is just so painful to accept." Thank
you dear Giz for the lessons you taught us each, , and yes, we'll soon meet again, at that Rainbow Bridge, never to feel such
pain in parting again. "Tis all one can ask", states sweet Giz, " love as I have loved you all, care for all my mum,
dad, brothers, and sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles, yet still with you,, for they need you each so very much"! " Tis now
my mission dear earth master to go on to the Rainbow Bridge, I have many messages from those on earth to share with those
above, my mission on earth is now done." " Fear not, I'll never be alone, and I feel have yet another mission above
to perform. Fine furbies, and featherbies, owned by our sweet friends, here below, are awaiting me, including your mum, and
dad! They must be given their owner's, as well as family's messages of love, devotion and hope". So with one last tiny
puppy kiss, he slipped away into the wee hours of the morn, as in tears I clung softly to my beloved babe, and whispered,
Good-Bye, and God Speed my sweetest dear Giz, Good-bye ".
Awaking once again with a gasp, yet this time feeling
fit, and whole, off he scampered to the bright Rainbow Bridge, where the quiet was once more broken by his barking as
he came to the first big step up to the bridge. " Come now,, YIP, YIP, YIP,, someone help me up the first big step of
this mighty bridge, for I'm just a wee bit of a lad, but, with a heart as big as all the heavens"! Yip,,Yip, come, come,,
help me up this first step please"!
the distance great fluffy ears cocked in his direction, as two large dogs stopped their play. One turned to his friend
Rosie, and said, " I think I need to go give the young bloke a boost across the bridge", and he quickly trotted over
to help him out.
handsome strong gallant fellow trotted on out to retrieve the small dog into the heavenly fold. Gently picking him up by the
scruff of the neck, he carried the wee red dog over to the warm inviting bright side of the bridge. " Hello, said the little
red dog, "what's your name fine friend, and Thank you"?! " Bandit ", came the deep heavy Aussie accented reply, I'm a Saint
Bernard, my owner's Rick, and Sue are still yet below, and I so dearly miss them, " came the softest of replies. " Why, I've
heard of you, and KNOW your beloved owners too, why your very famous, I've seen pictures of your family! I have
many messages from your owners below, They LOVE you, and MISS you,, oh,, there's so so much more to tell! In fact my friend
Bandit,,, hurry with me now,, come come,, I have messages for many from their loved ones yet on earth, we must hurry
Hello ALL, my name is Gizmo,, I'm a Min Pin, and I'm here on a mission!
Loveing Memory of
Twist N Shout Gizmo
6/13/2001 4:16 a.m. ~ 02/21/2002 7:56 a.m.
Elmore Petross
Visit R Farm & Kennel
There is a yahoo e-group set up just because
of Gizmo, that you are most Welcome to check out through the link below!